High Stakes Storytelling
When the story has to work
Mexico City MX
$10,000,000 in Revenue Rescued
In front of hundreds of peers, VPs need to sell their conservative CEO on an off-beat idea.
We coach them on how to tell the CEO that his previous decision caused the original problem. Their idea rescues $10,000,000 in revenue in less than a year.
Los Angeles CA
The Board Backs Off
When tensions are high, a CEO and her team get an over-controlling Board of Directors to back off and to let her teams’ plans play out without interference.
We teach her and the team how to ‘break the rules properly’ to win.
Dubai UAE
Unlocking an Opportunity
VP of an international security manufacturing company has a few minutes to ’audition’ for the SVP spot of a new division.
We take him from 30 data dense pages to a tight 12 minutes.
Billions on the Line
A banking collapse unleashes a pack of regulators and a deluge of distressed properties.
Even when forced to only use mind-numbing spreadsheets, we help those selling the properties tell compelling stories. Over $3,000,000,000 in assets were successfully sold.
Do you have a high stakes situation? Contact me.